Archives of Institutional Memory

The Archives of Institutional Memory is a digital repository that provides persistent access to official Indiana University records with long-term, indefinite administrative, legal, fiscal or historical value. AIM is supported by the Indiana University Libraries University Archives and Library Technologies.


Recent Submissions

PSC Newsletter 2023-2024
Hispanic Serving Institution Steering Committee Report 2024-10-25
(Indiana University South Bend, 2024-10-25) Vitangeli, Kory
Presentation about the Hispanic Serving Institution Steering Committee including committee members, subcommittees, student profile and projection information, and next steps for the committee.
Budget Report Fiscal Year 2024-2025
(Indiana University South Bend, 2024-10-25) Indiana University South Bend. Office of Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Fiscal Affairs
Presentation discusses IU South Bend's operating budget (both revenue and expenses); allocation of 2023-2024 fiscal year surplus; budget impact of enrollment, the academic reorganization, fiscal sustainability efforts, voluntary retirement incentive program, and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) changes.
2024-10-25 Academic Affairs Presentation
(Indiana University South Bend, 2025-10-25) Pearon, Jill
Presentation demonstrating the need for the campus's low enrolled management plan. The presentation covers Indiana high school graduates enrolling in college; St. Joseph and Elkhart high school graduates enrolled in college; actual and projected number of students graduating from high school in IU South Bend primary service region; actual and projected number of high school graduates from IU South Bend primary service region applying for, admitted to, and enrolled at IU South Bend; and the proposed Indiana high school diploma's effect on students who typically attend regional campuses.
2024-10-25 Academic Senate Minutes
(Indiana University South Bend, 2024-10-25) Indiana University South Bend. Academic Senate
Contains minutes of Senate meeting including a budget update by the Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance; report from the Hispanic Serving Institution Steering Committee; report from the EVCAA on the low-enrolled management plan and Indiana's change to high school diplomas, and an update on the Chancellor's search.