Annual Reports

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    Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics Annual Review 2014
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2014) Indiana University South Bend. Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics
    Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 2014 academic year. Contents include announcement of Business School's rankings by Bloomberg Businessweek and inclusion in Princeton Review; report about students scoring in the top 10% of Educational Testing Services (ETS) scores for 2013; article about articulation agreement with Tianjin Polytechnic University (TJPU) in China; alumni profile on Paul Marsh, president and CEO of Teacher's Credit Union (TCU); report on IUSB Business School's 2013 CEO Roundtable; article about school being renamed as Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics in honor of the largest single donor gift in IUSB history by Judd Leighton Foundation, Inc.; report on meeting between Judd Leighton business students and 1st Source Bank mentors; new faculty update; article about naming of new experiential learning labs; information on Lake City Entrepreneurship Lecture Series and NIBCO IT Management Seminar Series, including photos and bios of speakers; report on economic panel on post-recession economics moderated by Dean Robert Ducoffe; announcement of new appointments to IUSB Economic Advisory Board; announcement of Hong Zhuang assuming leadership roles in Economics department; article about Systems Analysis and Design class developing prototype for online registration and volunteer management system for Indiana Mock Trial; article about panel discussion about on business ethics in business curriculum; article about business professors participating in talks for 2013-2014 Campus Theme, "Much Ado about Will: 450 Years of Shakespeare and Counting!"; article about Managing and Organizational Behavior class partnering with Purple Porch Co-op to improve outreach and promotion; article about campus and community participation in Global Game Jam event; article about W408 Small Business Practicum students collaborating with local businesses Jeannie's Diner and Positive Organic Living; article about marketing students performing strongly in marketing competitions under guidance of professor Monle Lee; announcement about new lecturing and consulting series, the Idea Factory; spotlight on graduate students' participation in technological commercialization workshop; article about three alumni included in South Bend Tribune's "40 under 40" ranking for 2012; announcements about awards and recognitions; announcement about professor Beth Kern being featured in New York Times article about community redevelopment in Chapin Park; list of student awards and scholarships; Dean's List for Spring 2012; article about two students winning Rotary scholarships; student essays; article about strong recruitment for accounting students; report on students' participation in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program; student club updates; letters of appreciation to business faculty from students; faculty scholarship highlights; list of faculty publications in 2011-2012; honor roll of donors; and letter from dean Rob Ducoffe.
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    School of Business and Economics Annual Review 2011
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2011) Indiana University South Bend. School of Business and Economics
    Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 2011 academic year. Contents include report about Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels' speaking event for IUSB business students; report confirming IUSB business students remain in top 10% of Educational Testing Service (ETS) scores; article about a group of IUSB businesses students placing in the top 10 of the nationwide Honda CR-Z Media Challenge; article about student study of Bombay International store on Michigan Street; announcement about upcoming grant-funded mini Financial Trading Center; article by marketing professor Monle Lee about Creative Design Lab; article about student group from M418 Advertising and Promotion class placing third in the Direct Marketing Educational Foundations' undergraduate competition for the non-profit organization Charity: Water; information about new graduate business programs; article about students participating in tech commercialization workshop; essay by alum Clint Leman (BS '08) about his educational path and the power of a positive attitude; article by John R. Busenbark (BS '11) about his study of how Jewish holidays affect stock market returns; report by economics professor Douglas Agbetsiafa about economic forum on Michiana's response to global competition; comments from Business Advisory Council members; notice of companies headed by Business Advisory Council members being honored by Indiana Companies to Watch; information on Lake City Entrepreneurship Lecture Series and NIBCO IT Management Seminar Series, including photos and bios of speakers; announcements about awards and recognitions; list of faculty awards of excellence; announcement of the establishment of Martin Scholarship Program; list of student awards and scholarships; Dean's List for Spring and Fall of 2010; spotlight on Chelsea Roose, 21-year-old junior in banking and finance, elected North Township trustee in LaPaz; spotlight on Nga Le, finance major, winner of t-shirt design contest for IUSB School of Business; spotlight on Rudy Yakym III, recent IUSB graduate and member of the Alumni Board of Directors for IUSB; announcement of Kem Krest Entrepreneurship Competition winners; article about new faculty research fellowships; article by professor Bhavik Pathak about online recommender systems and how they affect sales; article by professor Hong Zhuang about foreign direct investment and education investments; article by professor Monle Lee article about corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives; list of faculty publications; letters of appreciation to business faculty from students; announcement of retirement of David Fred; honor roll of donors; and letter from Dean Rob Ducoffe.
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    School of Business and Economics Annual Review 2009
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2009) Indiana University South Bend. School of Business and Economics
    Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 2009 academic year. Contents include list of members of the Business Advisory Council; update about Administration Building renovation; article about graduate student Rita Jodharam leading initiative to develop Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to help low-income families prepare and file their taxes for free; article about IUSB business students testing in the top five percent in the nationwide Educational Testing Service (ETS) business field examination; article about IUSB business students studying Java Trail coffee shop in Plymouth, IN for their W408 Small Business Practicum class; article about the CTS Center for Experiential Education (CTS-CEE) leading several projects to benefit regional organizations; information about recipients of the Kem Krest Entrepreneurship Competition Awards; notice about IUSB School of Business partnering with Burkhart Advertising for executive education; list of Business graduates who passed the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam in 2008; information about three books on health care recently published by associate professor of management Douglas Singh; information about the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM); information about the activities of the Accounting Association and the Advertising and Marketing Clubs; article about economic forum on the Great Recession of 2008-2009; essay by international student Dave Andedo about his educational experience at IUSB; interview with alum Isaac Torres, owner and president of Inter-Cambio Express; announcements about awards and recognitions; list of IU South Bend Faculty Award winners; list of honor society members; list of student award winners; brief about Erin Turinetti, economics major, recipient of the Robert Palmer Scholarship; list of Awards of Excellence recipients in teaching, research, and service; letters of appreciation to business faculty from students; information on Lake City Entrepreneurship Lecture Series and NIBCO IT Management Seminar Series, including photos and bios of speakers; spotlight on distinguished retiring professors Brenda E. Knowles and Fred Naffziger; list of faculty publications and presentations; honor roll of donors; announcement of the passing of Emil Albert, associate professor emeritus of management; and letter from Dean Rob Ducoffe.
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    School of Business and Economics Annual Review 2008
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2008) Indiana University South Bend. School of Business and Economics
    Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 2008 academic year. Contents include article about statistical study of compensation rates for accountants; article about speaking engagement by Jack Uldrich about the future of nanotechnology in Michiana; article about the Economic Forum student club's meeting about the global financial crisis; announcement of the Kem Krest Entrepreneurship Competition to connect aspiring entrepreneurs with capital and experts; description of activities of the Accounting Association; article about Enterprise Rent-A-Car expressing satisfaction with the work quality of IUSB business graduates; article about the CTS Center for Experiential Education (CTS-CEE) and undergraduate student Michelle Colbert's positive experience of the program; letter from student Julienne Turner expressing gratitude for receiving the David Starr Jordan Scholarship in order to travel to Costa Rica; interview with Frank Martin (MSBA '78, MBA '92) of Martin Capital Management; announcements of recognitions and awards; list of honorary societies and members; list of student awards; list of Awards of Excellence recipients; photos of renovation and completion of School of Business and Economics wing; information about NIBCO IT Management Seminar Series and Lake City Bank Entrepreneurship Lecture Series, including photos and bios of speakers; spotlight on professor Monle Lee's research paper, "Brand Name Choices on Consumers' Product Evaluations: An International Perspective"; article by professor Murali Chari on the importance of emerging markets in the global economy; essay by Associate Dean and professor Asghar Sabbagh about his work on a book about the economics of water resources and its recent translation into Chinese; essay by professor Douglas Agbetsiafa about his visit to Oxford University to participate in discussions on economic development; article about research paper "The Importance of Foreign PhD Students to U.S. Science" by professor Grant Black and Paula Stephan (Georgia State University); announcement about Larry Phillips, lecturer in Management, having an article published in a leading Turkish professional journal; announcement about professor Peter Aghimien's visit to France; list of faculty publications and presentations; list of donors; announcements about the passing of Keith Smith, former lecturer in decision sciences, and Sharon Peterson, former student record specialist for Graduate Business Programs; and letter from Dean Rob Ducoffe.
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    Division of Business and Economics Annual Report 1995-1996
    (Indiana University South Bend, 1996) Indiana University South Bend; Division of Business and Economics
    Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 1995-1996 academic year. Contents include introductory letter and Dean's Report by newly-appointed dean John R. Swanda Jr.; information about degree programs; activities of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research and the Entrepreneurship Program; statistics about faculty, staff, and students; information about faculty publications, research and service activities, and grants; personnel information; and information about student activities, including admission, probation and dismissal, awards, organizations, and report on the 13th annual job fair with the theme "Your Key to Opportunity".
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    Division of Business and Economics Annual Report 1994-1995
    (Indiana University South Bend, 1995) Indiana University South Bend; Division of Business and Economics
    Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 1994-1995 academic year. Contents include statistics about faculty, staff, and students; information about faculty publications, research activities, grants, and honors; personnel information; curriculum information; activities of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research and the Entrepreneurship Program; information about student activities, including admission, probation and dismissal, awards, organizations, and report on the 1995 job fair with the theme "Focus on Your Future '95"; and plans and objectives for the future of the Division of Business and Economics.
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    Division of Business and Economics Annual Report 1993-1994
    (Indiana University South Bend, 1994) Indiana University South Bend; Division of Business and Economics
    Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 1993-1994 academic year. Contents include statistics about faculty, staff, and students; information about faculty publications, research activities, grants, and honors; personnel information; curriculum information; activities of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research and the Entrepreneurship Program; information about student activities, including admission, probation and dismissal, awards, organizations, and report on the 1994 job fair with the theme "Explore '94"; and plans and objectives for the future of the Division of Business and Economics.
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    Division of Business and Economics Annual Report 1992-1993
    (Indiana University South Bend, 1993) Indiana University at South Bend; Division of Business and Economics
    Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 1992-1993 academic year. Contents include statistics about faculty, staff, and students; information about faculty publications, research activities, grants, and honors; personnel information; curriculum information; activities of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research and the Entrepreneurship Program; information about student activities, including admission, probation and dismissal, awards, organizations, and report on the 1993 job fair with the theme "Pathways to Your Future '93"; and plans and objectives for the future of the Division of Business and Economics.
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    Division of Business and Economics Annual Report 1991-1992
    (Indiana University South Bend, 1992) Indiana University at South Bend; Division of Business and Economics
    Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 1991-1992 academic year. Contents include statistics about faculty, staff, and students; information about faculty publications, research activities, grants, and honors; personnel information; curriculum information; activities of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research and the Entrepreneurship Program; information about student activities, including admission, probation and dismissal, awards, organizations, and report on the 1992 job fair with the theme "Challenge '92"; and plans and objectives for the future of the Division of Business and Economics.
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    Division of Business and Economics Annual Report 1990-1991
    (Indiana University South Bend, 1991) Indiana University at South Bend; Division of Business and Economics
    Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 1990-1991 academic year. Contents include statistics about faculty, staff, and students; information about faculty publications, research activities, grants, and honors; personnel information; curriculum information; activities of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research and the Entrepreneurship Program; information about student activities, including admission, probation and dismissal, awards, organizations, and report on the 1991 job fair with the theme "Bold Beginnings '91"; and plans and objectives for the future of the Division of Business and Economics.
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    Division of Business and Economics Annual Report 1989-1990
    (Indiana University South Bend, 1990) Indiana University at South Bend; Division of Business and Economics
    Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 1989-1990 academic year. Contents include statistics about faculty, staff, and students; information about faculty publications, research activities, grants, and honors; personnel information; curriculum information; activities of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research and the Entrepreneurship Program; information about student activities, including admission, probation and dismissal, awards, organizations, and report on the 1990 job fair with the theme "Discovery '90"; and plans and objectives for the future of the Division of Business and Economics.
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    Division of Business and Economics Annual Report 1988-1989
    (Indiana University South Bend, 1989) Indiana University at South Bend; Division of Business and Economics
    Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 1988-1989 academic year. Contents include statistics about faculty, staff, and students; information about faculty publications, research activities, grants, and honors; personnel information; curriculum information; activities of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research and the Entrepreneurship Program; information about student activities, including admission, probation and dismissal, awards, and organizations; and plans and objectives for the future of the Division of Business and Economics.
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    Division of Business and Economics Annual Report 1985-1986
    (Indiana University South Bend, 1986) Indiana University at South Bend; Division of Business and Economics
    Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 1985-1986 academic year. Contents include statistics about faculty, staff, and students; information about faculty publications, research activities, grants, and honors; personnel information; curriculum information; activities of the Management Development Program; information about student activities, including admission, probation and dismissal, awards, and organizations; and plans and objectives for the future of the Division of Business and Economics.
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    Division of Business and Economics Annual Report 1980-1981
    (Indiana University South Bend, 1981) Indiana University at South Bend; Division of Business and Economics
    Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 1980-1981 academic year. Contents include statistics about faculty, staff, and students; information about faculty publications, research activities, and grants; personnel information; curriculum information; information about student activities, including admission, probation and dismissal, awards, and organizations; activities of the Management Development Program; and plans and objectives for the future of the Division of Business and Economics.