Minutes, Academic Senate

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    Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Academic Standing
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-11-15) Indiana University South Bend. Admissions, Advising & Student Affairs Committee
    A presentation on proposed changes to the campus policy on academic standing. The presentation includes research on academic probation, highlights of the proposed changes, and contrasts between the campus' current policy and proposed changes.
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    University Faculty Council (UFC) Meeting 2024-04-23
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-11-15) Froysland, Hayley
    Report on the University Faculty Council meeting held on April 23, 2024. Discusses changes to several IU policies including Faculty and Librarian promotion, Student academic appointments, faculty and librarian annual review, and Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct. Other topics include the university tax, a report form the University Faculty Budgetary Affairs Committee, proposed changes to the bylaws of the University Faculty Council, Conflicts of interest and Commitment, and Academic Appointee Responsibilities and Conduct policies
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    2024-11-15 Academic Senate Minutes
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-11-15) Indiana University South Bend. Academic Senate
    Contains minutes of Senate meeting including introduction of a proposal regarding academic probation and dismissal from the Senate Admissions, Advising, and Student Affairs Committee; a University Faculty Council report on the April 2024 UFC meeting and the new UFC Online Education Subcommittee; a President's report on SEA 202 and Elements, the new faculty annual report software; update from the Academic Organizational Design-Implementation Steering Committee; and a report from Chancellor Susan Elrod.
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    Hispanic Serving Institution Steering Committee Report 2024-10-25
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-10-25) Vitangeli, Kory
    Presentation about the Hispanic Serving Institution Steering Committee including committee members, subcommittees, student profile and projection information, and next steps for the committee.
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    Budget Report Fiscal Year 2024-2025
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-10-25) Indiana University South Bend. Office of Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Fiscal Affairs
    Presentation discusses IU South Bend's operating budget (both revenue and expenses); allocation of 2023-2024 fiscal year surplus; budget impact of enrollment, the academic reorganization, fiscal sustainability efforts, voluntary retirement incentive program, and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) changes.
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    2024-10-25 Academic Affairs Presentation
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2025-10-25) Pearon, Jill
    Presentation demonstrating the need for the campus's low enrolled management plan. The presentation covers Indiana high school graduates enrolling in college; St. Joseph and Elkhart high school graduates enrolled in college; actual and projected number of students graduating from high school in IU South Bend primary service region; actual and projected number of high school graduates from IU South Bend primary service region applying for, admitted to, and enrolled at IU South Bend; and the proposed Indiana high school diploma's effect on students who typically attend regional campuses.
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    2024-10-25 Academic Senate Minutes
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-10-25) Indiana University South Bend. Academic Senate
    Contains minutes of Senate meeting including a budget update by the Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance; report from the Hispanic Serving Institution Steering Committee; report from the EVCAA on the low-enrolled management plan and Indiana's change to high school diplomas, and an update on the Chancellor's search.
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    Advising and Retention Mentoring Project
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-09-20) Kahan, Lee
    Report on a faculty mentoring program for first-year students. Discusses mentoring topics and goals.
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    Fall 2024 Enrollment Report
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-09-20) Adaikkalavan, Raman
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    2024-09-20 Academic Affairs Presentation
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-09-20) Pearon, Jill
    Presentation by the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on the move from Digital Measures to Elements as software for faculty annual reports and the organizational charts and individuals' areas of responsibilities For Academic Affairs, the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Professional Studies
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    2024-09-20 Academic Senate Minutes
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-09-20) Indiana University South Bend. Academic Senate
    Contains minutes of Senate meeting including an address from the Student Government Association President, an address from the Staff Council President, a report from the Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement on the Expressive Activity Policy, an update from the Academic Organizational Design-Implementation Steering Committee, reports from Academic Affairs on 1)Academic Affairs leadership and corresponding responsibilities, 2) Fall enrollment, and 3) The Advising and Retention-Mentoring Project
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    2024-04-19 Academic Affairs Presentation
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-04-19) Pearon, Jill
    Presentation on faculty compensation including release time and stipends for faculty administrative appointments, revised adjunct salary policy, overload pay policy and a summer salary policy
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    Centralized Advising Update
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-04-19) Kahan, Lee
    An update on the undergraduate advising center progress including comparison of re-enrollment between Fall 2024 and Fall 2023, Advising Center activities, advising loads and timeline, appointment fill rates, and future strategies.
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    Revised Grade Appeals Policy (April 2024)
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-05-13) Indiana University South Bend. Academic Affairs Committee
    This revised policy outlines the procedures for undergraduate and graduate students to appeal final course grades for all courses (in-person, hybrid, and online) taught at Indiana University South Bend. The documents contains 1) Revised Grade Appeal Policy (April 2024), 2) Original IUSB Grade grievance policy, and 3) Grade Appeal Policy presented to Senate in March 2024
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    2024-05-13 Academic Senate Minutes
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-05-13) Indiana University South Bend. Academic Senate
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    2024-04-19 Academic Senate Minutes
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-04-19) Indiana University South Bend. Academic Senate
    Contains minutes of Senate meeting including approval of 1) revisions to the Grade Appeal Procedure and 2) an exemption for students missing the First Year Experience course; action to send to ballot revisions to the bylaws changing how associate faculty are extended voting rights in the Academic Senate; Report from the Campus Directions Committee; an update on centralized advising; an update from Academic Affairs on equitable model for compensation, adjunct salaries, overload pay, and summer salary. The minutes also include a closed session.
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    Summer Salary Recommendation: Bring on Tomorrow
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-03-22) Indiana University South Bend. Faculty Welfare and Personnel Committee
    Recommendations for summer salaries from the Academic Senate Faculty Welfare and Personnel Committee.
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    2024-03-22 Academic Senate Minutes
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-03-22) Indiana University South Bend. Academic Senate
    Contains minutes of Senate meeting including announcement that following four ballot proposals passed 1) Membership of the Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment Committee, 2) Membership of the Admissions, Advising and Student Affairs Committee, 3) Membership of the General Education Committee, 4) Membership of the Research and Development Committee; Introduction of proposed changes to the grade appeal procedure; approval of the Resolution on Library Budget; Presentation of summer salary recommendations from the Faculty Welfare and Personnel Committee; Update from the Academic Organizational Design Implementation Steering Committee; Update on the Academic Master Plan; Presentation by the American Association of University Professors on the Academic Master plan and Shared Governance; Report from the Chancellor; and University Faculty Council report on changes to ACA-33 and the Student Code.
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    Budget Presentation 2024 February 16
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-02-16) Williams, Andy
    Presentation by the Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Fiscal Affairs about five year budget modeling and the strategies use by Administrative and Fiscal Affairs to address the chancellor's 2022 budget memo.
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    Academic Master Plan Update 2024-02-16
    (Indiana University South Bend, 2024-02-16) Pearon, Jill
    Describes what the academic master plan document will include. Further states programs for further discussion will be included in a new multi-year low-enrolled program management plan called the LMP