Michael A. McRobbie Presidential Speeches, 2020
Permanent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10333/16296
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Now showing 1 - 20 of 24
Item “Celebrating the Bicentennial Class of 2020: Sharing in Indiana University’s Essential Work”(2020-12-19) Office of the PresidentItem President’s Report to the Board of Trustees(2020-12-04) Office of the PresidentItem Dedication of the Elinor Ostrom Statue and Ostrom Commons(2020-11-12) Office of the PresidentItem Economic Club of Indiana(2020-10-05) Office of the PresidentItem Report to the Trustees of Indiana University(2020-10-02) Office of the PresidentItem Recommendations to the Board of Trustees on the Removal of David Starr Jordan’s Name from Campus Structures and Spaces(2020-10-02) Office of the PresidentItem Introduction to Bicentennial Strategic Plan Final Reports(2020-10-02) Office of the PresidentItem Presentation of President’s Medal to Jon Vickers(2020-09-29) Office of the PresidentItem NASEM Voting Webinar “Will our votes be secure and counted in 2020?”(2020-09-23) Office of the PresidentItem IU Board of Trustees Business Meeting(2020-08-13) Office of the PresidentItem Statement to Board of Trustees on FY2020 External Grant Funding and Private Philanthropy(2020-08-13) Office of the PresidentItem Board of Trustees Academic Affairs Committee(2020-08-13) Office of the PresidentItem APAN50 Virtual Meeting and Conference – Hong Kong(2020-08-03) Office of the PresidentItem Surprise Farewell Reception for William J. Lowe, Chancellor of IU Northwest(2020-08-03) Office of the PresidentItem Board of Trustees President’s Report(2020-06-12) Office of the PresidentItem Statement to the IU Board of Trustees on IU’s Response to the COVID-19 Global Pandemic(2020-04-10) Office of the PresidentItem Presentation of Richard G. Lugar Award to Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch(2020-03-06) Office of the PresidentItem Introduction of Senator Todd Young’s Richard G. Lugar Lecture and Moderator John Stehr America’s Role in the World Conference(2020-03-06) Office of the PresidentItem Stephen L. and Connie J. Ferguson International Center Groundbreaking(2020-03-04) Office of the PresidentItem Civil Rights Heritage Center Celebration(2020-02-25) Office of the President