Michael A. McRobbie Presidential Speeches, 2010
Permanent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10333/16183
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Item Dreaming of New Worlds and Opening Doors of Innovation(2010-12-18) Office of the PresidentItem Worldwide Service, Commitment, and Compassion: Honoring Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn and Vice Admiral Adam M. Robinson(2010-12-17) Office of the PresidentItem IU Center for Art and Design-Columbus Press Conference(2010-12-17) Office of the PresidentItem Women of Distinction at Indiana University: The Colloquium for Women of Indiana University and Meryl Streep(2010-11-12) Office of the PresidentItem Carrying and Transmitting the Essence of Our Humanity: The Lilly Library Celebrates Fifty Years(2010-11-11) Office of the PresidentItem Installation of Michael Harris(2010-10-22) Office of the PresidentItem Shared Dreams and Aspirations: The Installation of William Lowe as Chancellor of IU Northwest(2010-10-29) Office of the PresidentItem Shared Dreams and Aspirations: The Installation of William Lowe as Chancellor of IU Northwest(2010-10-29) Office of the PresidentItem Residential Housing in this New Era of Imagination(2010-10-26) Office of the PresidentItem The Global Power of Collaboration: Announcing the IU Center for Global Health(2010-10-23) Office of the PresidentItem Impact IUPUI: The Celebration Continues(2010-10-09) Office of the PresidentItem Galvanizing Support and Celebrating Matching the Promise(2010-10-08) Office of the PresidentItem The Principles of Excellence(2010-09-28) Office of the PresidentItem Introducing a Distinguished Public Servant and Hall of Fame Wrestler: NEH Chairman James A. Leach(2010-09-21) Office of the PresidentItem Statement for Finance and Audit Committee Regarding Salary Increase(2010-08-19) Office of the PresidentItem Statement for Academic Affairs Committee Regarding Research Numbers(2010-08-19) Office of the PresidentItem High-Speed International Computing Networks at Indiana University Receive National Science Foundation Awards(2010-08-02) Office of the PresidentItem Let Your Minds Carry You Towards the Future(2010-07-16) Office of the PresidentItem It’s All About Relationships’: Interim Chancellor Stuart Green(2010-06-28) Office of the PresidentItem The People Say ‘We Did It Ourselves’: Celebrating the Chancellorship of Bruce W. Bergland(2010-06-15) Office of the President