School of Business and Economics Annual Review 2009
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Indiana University South Bend
Annual report for the Division of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend for the 2009 academic year. Contents include list of members of the Business Advisory Council; update about Administration Building renovation; article about graduate student Rita Jodharam leading initiative to develop Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to help low-income families prepare and file their taxes for free; article about IUSB business students testing in the top five percent in the nationwide Educational Testing Service (ETS) business field examination; article about IUSB business students studying Java Trail coffee shop in Plymouth, IN for their W408 Small Business Practicum class; article about the CTS Center for Experiential Education (CTS-CEE) leading several projects to benefit regional organizations; information about recipients of the Kem Krest Entrepreneurship Competition Awards; notice about IUSB School of Business partnering with Burkhart Advertising for executive education; list of Business graduates who passed the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam in 2008; information about three books on health care recently published by associate professor of management Douglas Singh; information about the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM); information about the activities of the Accounting Association and the Advertising and Marketing Clubs; article about economic forum on the Great Recession of 2008-2009; essay by international student Dave Andedo about his educational experience at IUSB; interview with alum Isaac Torres, owner and president of Inter-Cambio Express; announcements about awards and recognitions; list of IU South Bend Faculty Award winners; list of honor society members; list of student award winners; brief about Erin Turinetti, economics major, recipient of the Robert Palmer Scholarship; list of Awards of Excellence recipients in teaching, research, and service; letters of appreciation to business faculty from students; information on Lake City Entrepreneurship Lecture Series and NIBCO IT Management Seminar Series, including photos and bios of speakers; spotlight on distinguished retiring professors Brenda E. Knowles and Fred Naffziger; list of faculty publications and presentations; honor roll of donors; announcement of the passing of Emil Albert, associate professor emeritus of management; and letter from Dean Rob Ducoffe.
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