2007 No. 2 Fall Foundations Magazine


Fall 2007 issue of Foundations Magazine, the publication of the IU South Bend Alumni Association. Contents include profile on Lynn Williams, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS); retirement notice of Jacqueline Caul, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management; cover story about the new Elkhart Center, as well as updates on other campus projects including student housing, renovation of the Associates Building into the new Education and Arts Building, renovation of the Administration Building, and construction of addition to the Engman Natatorium; story about Harold Zisla, Professor Emeritus and first chairman of the Fine Arts Department, starting a new scholarship; article about establishment of the CTS Center for Experiential Education in the Judd Leighton School of Business and economics; article about Nancy Botkin, senior lecturer in the English Department and assistant director of First Year Writing at IU South Bend, as well as a published poet; campus news; alumni board bios; story about record-setting athlete Emily Ladd, IUSB alumna and former member of the Titans women's basketball team; profile on alumna Marilyn Coddens, coach for the South Bend Washington Lady Panthers girls' basketball team; alumni news; and information about Alumni & Friends travel opportunity in China.


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