2007 No. 1 Spring Foundations Magazine


Spring 2007 issue of Foundations Magazine, the publication of the IU South Bend Alumni Association. Contents include article about the Toradze Piano Institute; profile on Mary Jo Regan-Kubinski, Dean of the School of Nursing and Health Professions; article about biology professor Peter Bushnell's research trip across the Antarctic; article about psychology professor Michelle Verges and her work regarding conserving plastic bags; cover story about the opening of the fashionable Noma Restaurant by IUSB alumnus Natakit "Nat" Buraprateep; article about remodeling of the Engman Natatorium as an extension of the IU South Bend Civil Rights Heritage Center; development news about gifts and donations; list of faculty awards and new appointees; alumni board bios; article about alumna Amanda Serenevy and her husband Dean Serenevy and their involvement in the Riverbend Community Math Center and math education for children; profile on alumnus Shannon Kaser and his transportation company, Royal Excursion; alumni news; and information about an Alumni & Friends travel opportunity to China in the summer of 2008.


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