2014 No. 1 Spring/Summer Foundations Magazine

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Indiana University South Bend


Spring/Summer 2014 issue of Foundations Magazine, the publication of the IU South Bend Alumni Association. Contents include article about the Integrated New Media Studies major in the Ernestine M. Raclin School of Arts and profiles on students enrolled in the major; spotlight on the Ratkiewicz family, which includes three IUSB alumni and three current students; profile on former dog groomer and current Social Work graduate student Melissa Lentine; alumni profile on athlete Jared Sharkey, award-winning water skier; announcement of the identification of JoAnn Lightner Small as the young bride in the mysterious photograph found behind framed photos of Dental Hygiene graduates in Riverside Hall, thanks to the story about the photo in the Fall/Winter 2013 issue of Foundations; interview with Jann Joseph, newly-appointed Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (EVCAA) at IUSB; article about Tuck Langland's plans to produce a bronze-cast statue of Ernie Pyle, famous WWII journalist and IU student, on the IU Bloomington campus; faculty spotlight on April Lidinsky, director of Women's and Gender Studies and teacher in the Master of Liberal Studies program; cover story about three graduating IUSB seniors winning National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships; article about new book "Fine Arts of the South Bend Region: 1840-2000" about local artists and their work, with contributions from IUSB professor emeritus of arts Harold Zisla; article about a new scholarship for business students to study abroad endowed by Julienne and Patrick Wargo; report about the first musical performance at the Louise E. Addicott and Yatish J. Joshi Performance Hall; campus news, including news of the opening of the IUSB observatory on the roof of Northside Hall; alumni news; and schedule of events for the Doloris C. Cogan Summer Theatre Series.


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