2023-09-15 Academic Senate Minutes

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Indiana University South Bend


Contains minutes of Senate meeting including an announcement that the following ballots passed 1) motion to allow up to two staff representative to serve on various Senate committee, 2) reduce committee member numbers to 5-7 on various Senate committees, 3) combine the Admission and Advising Committee with the Student Affairs Committee, 4) combine the Budget Committee with the Vendor Review Board, 5) combine the Faculty Welfare Committee with the Personnel Committee 6) add a representation from the School of Social Work to the General Education Committee; Report from the Academic Organizational Design Implementation Steering Committee ; updates from Academic Affairs on enrollment, central advising, the capacity model (research release time), an updated emeritus faculty policy, and the academic master planning; and a University Faculty Council Update. Minutes include a special section on action taken by the Curriculum Committee to approve revisions to the Indiana College Core Certificate.


