2013 No. 2 Fall/Winter Foundations Magazine


Fall/Winter 2013 issue of Foundations Magazine, the publication of the IU South Bend Alumni Association. Contents include message from the newly-installed Chancellor Terry Allison; article about the summer activities of five students from different majors; alumnus spotlight on musician Jeff Urband; profile on Sue Anderson, adjunct professor of nursing at IUSB; article about the Dental Education office looking for clues about an unidentified photograph of a bride found in Riverside Hall; spotlight on Scott Cooper, the new Titan's men's basketball coach; story about Marvin Lynn, dean of the School of Education at IUSB; retirement news, including profile on recently retired Elizabeth Mooney, long-time associate faculty member of sociology, and profile on recently retired Charlotte Pfeifer, former director of judicial affairs and member of South Bend City Council; spotlight on Mario Ortiz, the new dean of the College of Health Sciences, and successor of interim dean Douglas McMillen; cover story about the installation ceremony for new Chancellor Terry Allison, and his plans for the university; development news about the establishment of the Alma and Bill Powell Alumni Endowed Scholarship; development news about Vivian and Arnold Sallie, donors to the IUSB Civil Rights Heritage Center, establishing an endowed scholarship for underrepresented students; article about the newly-established Bender Scholars in Residence Program in honor of deceased former professors Eileen and Harvey Bender, as well as an account of the dedication of an elm tree and bench in their honor near the Education and Arts building on campus; campus news; alumni notes; and information about an alumni travel opportunity in Italy.


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