2019 Spring/Summer Foundations Magazine


Spring/Summer 2019 issue of Foundations Magazine, the publication of the IU South Bend Alumni Association. Contents include message from new Interim Chancellor Jann Joseph; student profile on education major Kortney Smith and her trip to Tanzania; alumnus profile on Douglas Leonard, now CEO of Columbus Regional Hospital; announcement of Interim Chancellor Jann Joseph's being named the next President of Georgia Gwynnett College in Atlanta, Georgia; student spotlight on musicians Juan-Carlos Alarcon and Salvador Perez Lopez and their participation in the Grammy-winning album "American Dreamers: Voices of Hope, Music of Freedom"; student profile on Rodger James Pinto, president of the Student Veterans of America, who won two national awards for civic leadership and public service; alumna spotlight on Alexandria Lechlitner, creative specialist at Visit South Bend Mishawaka (VSBM); cover story on alumnus Shahir Rizk, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, the first IUSB faculty to receive the Cottrell Scholar Award, which will support his research program for the development of nanostructures; interview with new Chancellor Susan Elrod; details about the celebration of IU Day 2019; details about the outcome of Battle of the Decades, an alumni-supported scholarship fundraiser; article about recent activities of the Center for a Sustainable Future; account of the commencement ceremony of the class of 2019; article about the second performance of the choirs of IUSB at Carnegie Hall; honor roll of donors; announcement of Hope Davis being named new dean of the IUSB School of Education; and information about the Jazz Fest on IUSB campus.


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