2011 No. 2 Fall/Winter Foundations Magazine


Fall/Winter 2011 issue of Foundations Magazine, the publication of the IU South Bend Alumni Association. Contents include article about the renovation of the Education and Arts building, formerly the Associates building; profile on Chancellor's Medal recipient Barbara K. Warner; feature on IUSB students who did home repairs for impoverished residents of Hazard, Kentucky on a humanitarian service trip; feature on Paul Krikau, director of student housing and residence life, and Sam Centellas, director of student life; cover story about increase in student life quality and opportunities on campus, including information about available student clubs and activities; story about IU South Bend alumni Marie-Rose Gatete and Francois Bayingana, survivors of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, and the support that they and others received from Ilene Sheffer, current vice chancellor of Public Affairs and University Advancement at IU South Bend, to be granted political asylum in the United States; profile on recently-deceased Mary Jo Regan-Kubinski, former dean of the College of Health Sciences, and her influence on IUSB's medical school; alumni profiles on graduates from the School of Education at IUSB awarded for teaching excellence; story about dental hygiene alumna Doreen Pienkowski and her volunteer work in Haiti after a recent earthquake; story about IUSB students volunteering to do community service; alumni profile on Christine Lauber, owner of the accounting firm Christine A. Lauber CPA, and her reception of the Distinguished Alumni Award; campus news; article about IUSB professor of psychology Kevin Ladd and his scholarly work on prayer inspiring artwork in artist Paul Michael Brown's multi-media exhibition at Land of Tomorrow Gallery in Lexington, Kentucky; alumni news; and spring performance schedule for the Toradze Piano Studio.


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