2005 No. 1 Spring Foundations Magazine
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Indiana University South Bend
Spring 2005 issue of Foundations Magazine, the publication of the IU South Bend Alumni Association. Contents include report on IUSB students' visit to the Indiana Statehouse in Indianapolis; list of new staff; announcement of the Avalon String Quartet as artists-in-residence at IUSB; article on Associate Professor of Sculpture Dora Natella, whose 'Gaia' sculpture stands at the west entrance of Northside Hall; news about the IUSB Dodgeball Club; campus events; cover story on IUSB professors' mentorship in graduate studies and research; development news, including establishment of the Risler Scholarship; article on Physics Professor Henry Scott's research on hydrocarbon formation; alumni news; and information about Alumni & Friends trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
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